Handling duplicate server names

I'm having trouble handling when clients add multiple servers with the same name. I'm using the Windows service to add servers. When a user adds a server, they enter the IP address and port number. To get the name of that server, the LIST or SERVER INFO commands need to be used. With the LIST command, if two servers are connected with the same server name and same hostname:port, then there is no way to tell the difference between the two. Also the SERVER INFO command seems to only return info for the first server it finds with that name.

What I need is the ability to see the IP addresses in the LIST command or to have the SERVER INFO command return all of the servers with the matching name. I think changing the format of the LIST command may break some parsing code for some people, so it looks like fixing the SERVER INFO command would be the best option.

Please let me know if this is possible.



I've just noticed that in the situation that multiple servers are connected with the same hostname, the USE command fails to connect a device. This is seemingly because in this case there are multiple devices with the same address. For example, I'm using multiple Raspberry Pi servers, and I have not changed their default hostname. So, there are multiple devices available with the address "raspberrypi.11441".

I couldn't find anywhere in the documentation that states that a ServerName must be specified in the config file or that the hostnames must be unique, so this seems to be a bug that should be addressed.



You shouldnt be seeing the server with exactly the same ip address port and name unless you are manually adding the server AND you have auto-find on. I think firstly you need to turn off auto-find because that is causing the duplicates. Restart the client computer afterwards and then let it connect to the servers. You should not see any duplicates now and the commands should work fine.

You need to have different hostnames for the servers as well.


Good to know. Is it stated on the website anywhere that the hostnames must be unique? Just wondering if there's a page that I missed somewhere.

However, I'm still seeing that my new servers aren't allowing me to add devices via command line (with Windows service), though I can add them with the GUI client. I thought this had something to do with the hostnames being the same, but even with a unique hostname, I am unable to use the USE command to add a device. Am I being blocked from using a device because the servers have trial licenses? From what I understand, I should be able to use one device at a time, and I couldn't find any documentation that said trial servers will not work with the client API/service.

Thank you for the help


To be more specific, what's happening is I'm running the latest client as a Windows service and trying to use the USE command to use a device that's on a server that I've connected to. I get a return message of "FAILED".

The server does have a trial license, but before I try to use the command, there are no devices in use.


1. A network admin ensures hostname is unique for each host as part of basic network setup. The hostname is a command in linux to do this.

2. As specified on my website in the webpage that tells how to setup a windows client as a service it specifically says that the server wont work with the trial version. Only the GUI can use the trial server.