eLicenser not working (Client: Windows 10, Server: Synology NAS )

eLicenser is not working. When I start "eLicenser Control Center" it hangs until I unmount eLicencer in "VirtualHere Client" clicking "Stop using this device". Cubase is not starting with error message "No valid licence found. Program will be closed."

I also use iLok which is working great.

Any hints what I can try?

- VirtualHere Server: latest version 3.4.8 on Synology DS212+
- VirtualHere Client: latest version 3.4.6 on Windows 10 64bit
- elicencer Control Center: latest version
- eLicenser is plugged directly into Synology USB slot, not using any USB hub or similar

Best regards,


Does cubase or your elicencer soft start well ?
On the same network or over 4g ?
Which version of DSM ? Which nas ?

I have some issues some time, and it did not worked on my synology nas, but well on my synology router ...


- DSM 6.1.4-15217 Update 2
- NAS: Synology DS212+ (CPU: MARVELL Kirkwood 88F6282)
- Same network
- If eLicenser is directly connected to my Surface Book, Cubases and "eLicenser Control Center" are starting correctly.

Which synology router do you use? Maybe I buy it if eLicenser works there.


Don't ! try rasberry pi instead, more usefull for remote ilok to switch on and off ...


Ok, thanks! So elicencer works on your raspberry pi using VirtualHere?


Same here. Cubase won't start with eLicenser error and when starting de eLicenser Control Center it hangs indefinitely on 'Reading eLicensers'.

VirtualHere server running on a Synology DS214Play version 6.0.3-8754 Update 6 and VirtualHere client on Windows 10 1709 (tried turning Defender AV and Firewall OFF without result)

There's a new DSM update available, so I'm going to install that now to see if it helps.


Upgraded to the latest DSM (DSM 6.1.4-15217 Update 2) and the issue persists.

I purchased VirtualHere specifically for the eLicense. And it worked a while back when I tested it with the trial version so I didn't think twice now when I bought it. :(


Actually I have mine on Synology RT1900ac with Dlink Hub to switch on/off ilok.
Before i tried On my synology DS916+ it did not work ... neither elicencer, nor ilok.
I removed all driver or other stuff using USB ports, but it did not changed anything at all !


@jtnl @petera I notice there was an elicenser driver update (https://www.steinberg.net/en/company/technologies/elicenser.html) on the 6th Dec. Did you do this update or not? Perhaps the new update locks the elicenser for some reason. I havent changed anything on the synology virtualhere server for a while and the virtualhere client did have a minor update a few days ago which i dont think is related to this issue. So im wondering if its their driver update that caused the issue.


Yes, I had an older version of the eLicenser software (don't know which version) and the problem was there already.
Then the first thing I tried was an update of the eLicenser Control Center, but the problem persists.


Same here. First I had installed an older version of eLicenser Control Center (approximately from last year). As it didn't work with VirtualHere, I have installed the latest update from eLicenser Control Center. But without success.

Now I will try VirtualHere on Raspberry Pi if eLicenser is working there. I will report...


eLicenser + virtualhere + Raspberry Pi = works!

So I think it must be Synology DSM which causes troubles with eLicenser.

@Michael: many thanks for your amazing software and your great support!


Hi Peter, actually i tried my elicenser with a synology and the pi3 and mine doesnt work, ill have to investigate this further, at least i can reproduce the problem...


Hi Michael, it's really strange. Didn't change anything, but today it suddenly don't work anymore on Raspberry Pi 3. Elicenser Control Center is not loading. Yesterday it still worked.


Im currently looking at this issue now...


OK, this is fixed,

Download and install 3.5.0 of the server and 4.3.7 of the client


You are geniuous! It works now! Tested on Raspberry Pi3. Thanks a lot!


@Michael: Unfortunately not fully working yet on my end. :(
eLicenser Control Center now successfully initializes my dongle, but when I start Cubase, nothing happens. I see the process in task manager and a procmon trace shows Cubase loading stuff and the last thing it does is initialize the eLicenser dongle, but then just hangs indefinitely.

@Petera: Is Cubase actually starting for you?

I have the latest Cubase 9.0 version (9.0.30)


@jtnl: yes, Cubase is starting.


What Cubase version are you using? And have you got it working on the Synology, or just the rpi3?

It's strange, if I unplug -> replug the dongle, Cubase actually apears but throws an license error. I then click 'retry', Cubase proceeds to load a bit further and then hangs again. If I repeat this procedure a couple of times, Cubase eventually loads and then hangs soon after.

Something is still not right here. I tried on a different laptop and get exactly the same issue. If I connect the dongle directly to the laptop, no problems loading Cubase at all.


Ok today it seems its not working ! I dont know what the problem is, yesterday it was fine, today its not working.. so im not sure what the issue is and i dont think its fixable at the moment...maybe the elicenser company blocks the usb dongle from being virtualized? thats the only thing i can think of



But is it working on de Raspberry Pi? I'm thinking of getting one anyway to experiment with Domoticz. So if the Raspberry Pi does work and I would be able to transfer my license from the NAS to PI, atleast that'd be something I could work with.

Btw: Do you happen to be a Cubase user as well? Or do you have an eLicenser for other purposes? Just curious. :)


Sure if you want a license for the pi, ill give you one thats no problem. Just email me at mail [at] virtualhere.com (mail[at]virtualhere[dot]com) when you get your pi.

I bought the elicenser for testing virtualhere as sometimes customers ask about this dongle. I dont use cubase, but today i downloaded the trial and put the cubase trial key into my elicenser and then tested it. It worked sometimes via virtualhere and sometimes it didnt work. There seemed to be no pattern. I also have a USB analyzer that i use to debug tricky devices like the elicenser but that also did not show any clues as to the problem.


Ok that's cool. Thanks for the efforts anyway.

Will drop an e-mail when I get the Pi.


Getting error with eLicenser: "There was an error using this device". Server: Win 7, Client: Win 10. Can get Ilok and other devices working.
eLicenser works with Eltima USB Network Gate but would rather buy VirtualHere as soon as it´s fixed!

Best regards,



The elicener wont work with the windows server, only the linux server and even then its a bit unreliable at the moment


I use Synology DS1515+, Windows 10 Pro, Elicenser with ReFx Nexus 2. this setup worked for some time ago, but now it just gets stucked at reading in the licens control panel, and Nexus won't start. the key is working fine directly connected.

have any tried running a Virtual Machine within Synology and maybe mounting the key there, don't know if that is possible


Is there any chance that this problem is related to low power supply issue of usb port?
same problem sometimes, but if i unplug the dongle and plug again, it works again.
while I was guessing about the low power supply of usb hub, i found this thread.


Ok thats interesting, try this, I think it might need a power cycle

Use the dongle via virtualhere
use your software that uses the dongle on the client e.g protools or whatever
then stop using the dongle via virtualhere
then right click on the dongle in the client and select "Custom Event Handler..." and paste this line in, then click ok:


Try to use it on the client again via virtualhere, It depends if your synology supports per port power cycling, some do an some dont its hard to tell
See if that fixes the problem,if so ill add a change to the server to automatically do this when you stop using the elicenser so you dont have to put that special command in everytime


I guess it is a similar method, but i found this thread, https://www.virtualhere.com/content/feat-req-usb-reset

and I already have been using a way of turing off and turing on the port (port=off and port=on)and it works flawlessly until now.
my setup is ac68u router + Belkin F5U507 usb hub. Hope you add reset feature.
Anyway what is the difference between this method and power_cycle_port? I havent try the later one because cubase has never hung yet.


power_cycle_port does this

1. Issues a power_off to the port
2. Waits 2 seconds (assuming you are using server 3.5.4, it only waited 500ms for older server versions)
3. Issues a power_on to the port

@sjiun3 can you right click on your elicener in the virtualhere client and tell me the vendor id and product id?

I'll update the server in the next build so that it will know to automatical power cycle that device.


VENDOR: Syncrosoft
PRODUCT: eLicenser
VENDER ID: 0x0819
PRODUCT ID: 0x0101

Thank you for your great works!
and maybe it would be better to add manual usb reset menu as I said.
(maybe you are worrying about that this feature works only in linux server and on some mashcine..)


It is not that related to the topic, but as you are responsive in this thread, I'm writing one more thing
I want your program not to run overlapped. I sometimes run it several mistakenly at the same time.
Please make the client program run only one simultaneously.


The console client is meant to run simultaneously because sometimes people want to run scripts against the client at the same time.


Cubase just has stopped once during heavy audio export, and I had the chance to check the power cycle method today.
My finding was that if the Cubase is killed in a unusual way, it won't start next time until the USB dongle is unplugged and re-plugged physically.
When it hung, I did the power cycle port use the device in client, but Cubase didn't start next time. (and my mistake, I said before after I had done port=off and port=on it worked fine, but I guess it was mistake. this time it didn't work, so I needed to replug it physically to have it work again.)
I checked the 'eLicenser Control Center' (eLC) program at the moment, and it was stuck on saying 'reading elicensers'

So maybe little similar with problem in this thread,
https://www.virtualhere.com/content/usb-elicenser (difference is that I didn't get any error msg, just nothing happened when i launched Cubase, because eLC kept reading elicenser)
I guess when Cubase is stopped unusual way, dongle is recognized as occupied
I did restarting the vhusbdarm process, putting some in Custom Event Handler (such as onClearHalt. onResetEp. onUnbind.)

all didn't work.

Funny thing is just replugging it fixed it all again. But I wanted to fix it remotely.


I'm considering removing Belkin F5U507 hub and putting dongle directly to my ac68u router.
Will write report next time it stops.