Running the server on a pi3, with an ilok and USB key with my waves license on it, so I can run swap all my audio software licenses between machines. I was running it on a pi2, but was never able to get power switching to work so i would need to manually unplug the ilok when switching machines, but both the ilok and waves license worked great. Moving to the pi3 the ilok power switching works perfectly now, but the usb key with my waves license on it shows up in the client, but when i "use" it, it does not mount on my machines. It will show up in disk utility (mac os sierra) but i just get what i assume is a silent error when mounting.
I suppose if i NEED to i could run both pi's, but it seems insane to run a separate server for each device.
Ok thats weird, i think the pi's should be very similar with hardware. Anyway can you see if there are any differences in the virtualhere server config.ini file on each pi. And can you check you are running the latest raspbian on both pi's
Yea, both config files are just the default, no additional parameters, just my license number in there on both.
Ran update / upgrade on both pi's and both running latest raspbian / firmware as well.
OK so if you connect to both
OK so if you connect to both it then works ok?
If i run the two seaparate
If i run the two seaparate raspberry pi's i can connect one device each on them yes. but i can't find a configuration where i can run both usb devices on a single pi.
pi2 works perfect, until i switch clients, then i get the ilok sharing error and need to manually re-plug the usb.
pi3 ilok switching works but my usb key with my waves licenses won't work at all.
ugh sorry, somehow the usb key got corrupted, it won't even mount directly on my mac. reformatted it and it's working fine now.