Using a script to determine the outcome for a quirk (onChangeNickname) I can't pass the IP address variable "$CLIENT_IP$" to the script.
The logger i used shows the "$VENDOR_ID$" and "$PRODUCT_ID$" but not the Client_ID, Client_IP and Product_serial.
The values are filled with a single '$' sign in the output.
Is there a possibility to get the IP address of the client passed to the script so I can allow certain IP addresses to rename the devices?
Kind regards,
I could add that, but thinking more about this, if you need it quickly, instead, you can just add the HideMenuItems settings to the vhui.ini as seen here https://www.virtualhere.com/client_configuration_faq "Can i customize the client menu?"
Using the UI hiding method's would be a fix for now.
If eventually this could be added eventually it would be great because it would still allow a smart user to manipulate the names.
Thanks for the quick response!
This has been implemented in 3.6.2 of the server