Hi, i have setup a virtualhere server on a windows 10 machine to use for ilok and steinberg elicencer. For about an hour it worked fine but after restarting the client i cant seem to be able to reconnect at all. My plan is to use zerotier vpn so i can have access from my laptop from anywhere. i have purchased a client license although i dont know if that makes any difference. Any detailed setup guide would be very usefull. For some reason im trying to follow instructions but cant seem to be able to reconnect at all. im a newbie with networking and any help would be appreciated.
Also if you are on zerotier, you will need to manually enter the server ip address into the client by right clicking USB Hubs->Specify Hubs ->Add and put in the ip address of the virtualhere server. Auto-Find wont work as i dont think zerotier passes through udp broadcasts