I got a client PC (Windows 8.1, 64 Bit) which has to use a proxy server to be able to communicate through the internet.
The Server is running with the needed port forwards and stuff.
Now i got the problem that i cannot just try to connect to server.ip:7575, because I do not use the proxy for the connection.
I had similar problems with other software when it needed to download something after installation. Some of the programs had a field where I was able to just write the IP of the proxy in. After I wrote the IP in that field, the software connected to the internet perfectly fine.
Sadly I was not able to detect a similar field for the virtualhere client and also haven't found any parameter to start the .exe over the terminal through a proxy.
Is there any chance to get the client running behind a proxy?
Thank you in advance
Server: Windows 10, 64 Bit, Opened all ports in the firewall, routed them properly, other clients that are not behind a proxy are working
Client: Windows 8.1, 64 Bit, Behind a Proxy that listens on port 8080
In the client right click USB Hubs->Specify Hubs and put in the proxy ip address colon 8080
thank you for your quick answer.
I've added the proxy now on: Right Click on USB Hubs -> Specify Hubs -> Add -> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080
I also added the usb hub server there: server.domain:7575
Now i every few seconds I get these logs:
2021-05-26 15:49:25 ERROR :Data stream corruption, compressedSize=1347703880, uncompressedSize=825110831
2021-05-26 15:49:32 INFO :Could not connect to server.domain:7575
2021-05-26 15:49:37 INFO :Server ping timeout, shutting down connection 16...
I think the ERROR comes from the proxy server, because he doesn't know what to answer.
The INFO comes from the failing connections, because all connections to the internet that do not go through the proxy are extinguished by the firewall.
Following net here:
{USB-Server + Router} <-> Internet <-> {Router + Proxy: [Client]}
{} = Stuff in one network
[] = Stuff behind proxy
Is there a way that i can tell the program that I want it to use the proxy where it can tunnel through the connection to the server?
Like maybe
proxy.ip:8080, server.domain:7575
In the "specify hubs" tab?
I don't know if you know where my problem is. I'm looking forward to buy the full version but I have to make sure that I can use it in this context.
Also I'm not quiet sure if that kind is possible at all. I mean there is a reason that we got a proxy and firewalls here. But still ... :D
OK that proxy is not a transparent proxy and needs some negotiation which virtualhere doesn't support.
Rhood, you can try apps that can force other apps to go via proxy, such as:
Some other options: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53207272/how-to-force-a-binary-appl…