I installed VirtualHere USB Sharing on my Synology NAS (RS212) and so far everything went fine. However it can not start:
Tue Feb 4 22:44:10 CET 2014 Starting VirtualHere…
/volume1/@appstore/VirtualHere USB Sharing/vhusb: error while loading shard libraries: libavahi-client.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Tue Feb 4 22:44:10 CET 2014 Failed to start
What can I do? Is there any package that includes libavahi-client.so.3. The core and common library is located in /lib/.
Thanks for your help.
Hi. I thought all synology's
Hi. I thought all synology's came with that library file but that seems it may not be the case.
You could try installing it via ipkg e.g http://www.chainsawonatireswing.com/2012/01/09/installing-3rd-party-sof…
I updated the Synology
I updated the Synology Firmware from 4.1 to 4.3 and now it is running. Thank you.