ft601 usb chip drops out after around 10 minutes.

Hi, I am currently evaluting your software with the trial license. I have an ftdi ft601 transmitting data at around 60 Mbps. Your software seems to handle it great. The CPU load is low and there are no dropped packets. However, after around 10-15 minutes the USB connection is just dropped completely. When I reboot the system and set up the connection, everything works fine again.

Is this a software issue or is it a limitation of the trial version?

Best regard,
Christian A. Cartfjord


Doubtful its a bug in virtualhere. What is your server/client OS?


I run the server on a windows 10 laptop and the client on a Ubuntu 20.04 desktop.


OK i suspect its the client side. If it happens again, run sudo dmesg and see if it shows any messages about the time it stops, paste them here if you can