Trying to Uninstall

I am trying to uninstall Client 5.3.2 in Windows 10.

I have tried opening an admin powershell window and entering vhui64.exe -y however this fails with vhui64.exe : The term 'vhui64.exe' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function,..... I have also tried using vhui32.exe.

What am I doing wrong? Can you advise how I can uninstall the client & drivers?



1. Dont use powershell just use plain old cmd.exe
2. Run vhui64.exe -y


In a cmd window I get the following-

C:\Users\Workshop>vhui64.exe -y
'vhui64.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


Is that file in your directory?


I have the same issue.

Unfortunately, I don't understand what was done to resolve.

Could you be more specific pls? 


Open cmd.exe then change to the directory where the vhui64.exe is then type vhui64.exe -y


Many thanks for prompt response Michael.

I'm just trying to get VH up and running.  When I ran the client by double clicking the vhui64.exe file in Downloads it asked me if I'd liek to run it as a service. Understanding that this would mean it would be available all the time rather than having to be manually "run" I clicked yes. It then said that it'd only work with a purchased server. I don't want to purchase the license until I've got it running so am trying to get my PC back to "square one".

I've searched my C: Drive and vhui64.exe only exists in the Downloads directory. Do I just need to delete it from there?  Can't think why I'd need a command line process to do that?    


VirtualHere client would never ask to install as a service when you start it by clicking on the icon. There is not even code to do that in the software.

So you must have clicked on the menu "Install Client As Service" from the right click menu.

Just run the client again, right click USB Hubs and if Uninstall client service is shown, click that to uninstall the service. Then delete the exe. Done!