Webcam not working


I'm having an issue with a raspberry pi with Virtualhere and a webcam, with a Mac client.  In short, when I select the camera, I only get a black screen.

  • The webcam works on the raspberry pi when I use fswebcam to take an image.
  • It is correctly identified with lsusb
  • The virtualhere client correctly detects the camera, and it appears as a camera option in (for instance) Photo Booth on my Mac
  • I've tried the camera directly plugged into my Mac, and it works.
  • I've also tried other usb devices plugging into the raspberry pi and they work

Looking at /var/log/messages, it seems that the device is correctly being associated with my connection, but for some reason no data is transferred.

I've tried increasing the memory allowance to 1024 as suggested elsewhere.

Any other ideas?



Correct, webcams on mac dont work at the moment






I own zero macs and everything i have been doing has been on a PC, nut i still cant get the camera to work.

A small 3MP camera will work perfectly but an 8MP camera will not work. 

I am also trying to connect a photospectrometer to a RPi and it does'nt work either. 

A photospectrometer is pretty much a glorified high resolution camera.


Thank you 



Your network/pi is too slow. Use pi4 AND connect it via ethernet not wifi