Trial Expired on versions past 4.2.2 on Shield TV

Hello Michael,

Love the software and appreciated your quick help the last time I had an issue.

I've had this issue for quite some time but I lost my login details and ended up working around it by downgrading the version.

Since it had been a long time, I decided to update the app again for a test.. alas, it still breaks.. What gives?

As soon as I update the app the "trial expires". I enter my valid license and it activates.. But after quitting it and coming back to use the app later, the trial "expires" again right away, although it can be activated with my key to restore functionality.. It's just obviously not very convenient to need to type it whenever I want to use the software and the early version works correctly.

I don't mind helping to fix it, would be very glad, but definitely take your time if you don't have the time, I can use the older version for now.

Thanks a lot in advance! I wish I had tried harder earlier to get back on the forum..

P.S. Also the icon appears kind of tiny since.... hmm.. Even on the 4.2.2.. But I do remember the icon being full sized like other Android TV apps before.. If the icon size didn't change in some early update, could be it wasn't a VH update that made it smaller but Android TV UI scaling changes or such..


I think from past communication, you use steamlink with virtualhere. Is steamlink running with virtualhere? Because it needs to run together. I dont see any other purchase from my website from your email address


Thank you for getting back so quickly. I do indeed use it with the Steam Link android app. And had bought it on Steam.

But I was having issues using it with the Steam integration so I tried the standalone version. I can keep using the old version no problem.


And btw, I don't know if this is helpful but FYI, I went down in versions and found out it is indeed from version 4.2.2 onwards that the icon got smaller, 4.0.7 still has regular sized icon. Not a biggie, but it does stand out since I have it in my favorites/home screen.


Interesting about the icon, i havent changed it, however google forces different updates to Android Apps to keep up to their latest "API" so one of these forced updates of my app may have changed the icon...but im not sure. e.g


heads up, I don't know if you saw my edit, it's the italicized part


Yes, you basically cant buy virtualhere on steam then use it outside of steam.


Thank you Michael!