VID/PID passthrough?

I'm interested in VirtualHere. I'm wondering whether it'll do VID/PID passthrough.


What does that mean?


VID (Vendor ID), PID (Product ID). I'm wondering if the remote computer when running lsusb will show the same VID/PID as if the peripheral were physically connected.

Also, what needs to run on the computer that will connect remotely to the device? Any software?


Yes it will. You need to run the virtualhere client to access the remote usb device connected to the virtualhere server


in that case on a windows computer, would I need UAC / admin credentials to run the VirtualHere client?


Only the first time its run (it will install its driver) after that no


Michael, thank you for letting me know. That means VirtualHere won't solve the problem in my scenario. Much appreciated for your help.