after starting VirtualHere and trying to connect to a Samsung SCX-5x12 device I go an error:
"The VirtualHere Drivers could not be loaded. Try rebooting..."
The log says:
17:45:44 INFO :Drivers are up-to-date
17:45:44 INFO :CreateFile failed
17:45:44 ERROR :Hub failed to open error, zugriff verweigert (0x00000005)
The host is a QNAP TS-870 pro,
VirtualHere 1.8.1, unlimited devices.
Going into Details: the device is recognized correctly.
Trying to start debug mode: same error occured
Hope you can help me.
Yes this has been posted
Yes this has been posted already (https://www.virtualhere.com/node/255) basically its probably the microsoft Virtual Hub which is conflicting, just disable that and it should be fine.