Client on Crunchbang (Debian Wheezy)

One of my clients has Crunchbang Linux which is Debian Wheezy. The libusbip0 package cannot be found in its repositories. Is there another way to install this library, maybe from other repository?, and make the client work?

Best regards!


Actually now im stuck at the GLIBC 2.15 error... Debian Wheezy has only 2.13...

I managed to download a GLIBC 2.15 and extract it to the directory where vhui32 is:

dpkg -x libc6_2.15-0ubuntu10.5_i386.deb /tmp/libc/
mv /tmp/libc/lib/i386-linux-gnu/* ~/downloads

But the client keeps throwing the error:
./vhui32: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by ./vhui32)

I guess it would work if it would just look into the executing directory first for its files... How to do that? Of course i cannot install it properly, it would break many things...


Great, thanks for the feedback. Yeah you should not have to compile any of the required libraries