github actions + virtualhere client + safenet token + jsign failed

I'm using github actions + virtualhere client + safenet token + jsign.

The signing works fine on my work machine.

But with github actions (windows-lastet) I'm having problems.

I asked jsign developers.
They said they couldn't find the token.

Could this have something to do with VirtualHere?




Sorry i dont know much about github actions, does that run in a container? The virtualhere client wont work inside a container, because it needs driver access which containers dont provide.


Thank you for your reply.

I did some testing and the problem was fixed.

When I install the safenet driver and add the token, it is not recognized. However, if I add the token first and then install the safenet driver, the token is recognized.

I then replaced the Windows driver and it worked.


Yes for robustness, check the output of LIST. The reason is that USE will return OK or FAILED if the device binds  before 5 seconds. However sometimes the device may take longer to connect and so its better to just poll LIST with your own timeout, e.g poll LIST every second for 10 seconds.