Hello, I'm using with a VPN (Ixon router). On the other side I have microPLC ZELO (Schneider) with a USB cable. VirtualUSB detect Zelio. I can download program but i can't upload. Always stop at 66% and show an errorhttps://primedge-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/x_saubi_mimasa_com/EalLp03UR35Gvkxl5Eta5xEBgOKEOn9ftiTxlo7WUjeqgg?e=ev0fZx Thanks in advance, . For COM communications you must use ethernet. Do not use wifi or 5G you will have latency which is too variableMake sure you are running the very latest driver for your microPLC Log in or register to post comments
. For COM communications you must use ethernet. Do not use wifi or 5G you will have latency which is too variableMake sure you are running the very latest driver for your microPLC