VirtualHere and Raspberry Pi 5

Hi. I just purchased a raspberry Pi 5 and I plan on getting a new VirtualHere license for it (I've been using it on Android so far).

I first installed VirtualHere wanting to test my various devices one by one It was my understanding that I would be able to try the software before purchasing it by only connecting one device at a time with the trial. But for whatever reason this never worked. My client can detect my Pi 5 server, but I can't use a device through VirtualHere. It tells me my trial has expired and I need to buy a license. Did something change concerning the trial version lately ? I had never been able to connect a device, not even once.

Then I have a question concerning the license. If I purchase a license for my Pi 5, is it 100% sure that this license will remain valid for this particular raspberry Pi, even if for instance I install a different OS on it, or I reinstall the system on an SSD instead of the SD card, or I connect a hat with a new wifi card etc ... Will VirtualHere be able to tell it's still the same device.

Thank you in advance for your help,



You must use the generic arm version rather than the optimized version for the pi if you want the free trial. You can change the sd-card, reformat, reinstall etc and you can still use the same license key.


Oh my bad. I had indeed missed the part about optimized builds not being eligible for trials. 

Anyway I purchased a license for it and everything is good so far =)