New to pi and linux. I've installed USB Over IP from The Pi Store and would like to test it using the UI (showing each usb device.)
Each time I run it from the Pi store, I get a dialog "VirtualHere USB Server requires avahi-daemon. Would you like to intall this now?"
After responding 'Yes' VirtualHere displays another dialog with a button to start/stop the server and an about button. I don't see the tree view of connected usb devices.
I've also tried to download two files (vhclientarmhf and vhusbdarmhf) when I try to run either I get the following message in the terminal:
sudo ./vhclientarmhf
FATAL: Module vhci_hcd not found.
USBIP drivers not found, attempting to download for armv6l,3.12.36+...
Downloading failed: HTTP response code said error
USBIP client drivers are not available, you will have to compile/install your own from the linux kernel source
Is it correct that I need to compile and install drivers to use the UI client for raspberry?
Hi, yes the server doesnt
Hi, yes the server doesnt display the list of usb devices, only the client does. Hence when the server shows Start/Stop About that is correct. You would then run a client on another machine and that would then see the server running on the pi and list the usb devices attached to it.
Regarding the names of the files. vhusbd... is the server (VirtualHere USB Daemon...) and vhclient... is the client component.
You should probably not run the client and server on the same raspberry pi. Run it on different raspberry pi's.
If you have another pi, then you will need to compile the usbip module for basically getting the raspbian source and compiling the kernel while turning on "Drivers->Staging->USB/IP"
Got it now
I was looking for a solution that would take usb from a scanner device and post the data directly to a web service. So usb->pi->wifi // wifi router->internet->web service.
I can probably figure out some code for this but was looking for an existing solution a thought vh was it.