Mac El Capitan, AlarmDecoder, RaspberryPI

I am using a AlarmDecoder USB/Serial Connection to a RaspberryPi. The device mounts and works when connected directly to RaspberryPi and/or connected directly to my Mac. On the RaspberryPi it shows as /dev/ttyUSB0 and on the Mac it is /dev/tty.usbserial-DJ009GBR.

VirtualHere is running successfully on the Raspberry Pi and the client is install on the Mac. I can see the hub and the correct divice, I just can't access it on the mac under /dev/ - It isn't showing

AlarmDecoder Device…

Any direction would be helpful. Thanks!

VENDOR ID: 0x0403
PRODUCT ID: 0x6015

You are using this device

Sun Feb 28 14:03:43 2016 LOG_INFO Connection 2 remotely disconnected gracefully (rx msg size)
Sun Feb 28 14:03:54 2016 LOG_INFO Device 115 UNBOUND from connection 2
Sun Feb 28 14:03:54 2016 LOG_INFO Connection 2 successfully removed (reason:timeout)
Sun Feb 28 14:06:05 2016 LOG_DEBUG connected
Sun Feb 28 14:06:35 2016 LOG_INFO Device 115 BOUND to connection 3
Sun Feb 28 14:09:46 2016 LOG_INFO Connection 3 remotely disconnected gracefully (rx msg size)
Sun Feb 28 14:09:52 2016 LOG_DEBUG connected
Sun Feb 28 14:09:54 2016 LOG_INFO Device 115 UNBOUND from connection 3
Sun Feb 28 14:09:54 2016 LOG_INFO Connection 3 successfully removed (reason:timeout)
Sun Feb 28 14:09:55 2016 LOG_INFO Device 115 BOUND to connection 4
Sun Feb 28 14:12:47 2016 LOG_INFO Connection 4 remotely disconnected gracefully (rx msg size)
Sun Feb 28 14:12:59 2016 LOG_INFO Device 115 UNBOUND from connection 4


Nevermind, I got it working. I think what I did was install the FTDIchip drivers on the Mac and rebooted. I say I think because after poking at it long enough, the device showed up as /dev/tty.usbserial-DJ009GBR on the mac.

Other things I did was...
reboot the Raspberry Pi
I Installed the client on a windows system to verify it was working (it was)
I connected the USB Serial device directly to the mac to make sure it had the right drivers
I was poking around in Network Preferences on the Mac


Also what helped getting uspip running was...
root@DietPi:~# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install usbip -y

root@DietPi:~# cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)"


Thanks for info, FYI from my testing it does appear that osx el-captian does support virtualhere with USB->serial devices. Most other devices on elcaptian wont work with virtualhere yet...


Do you know when you will have El Capitan support for all other device classes?