Having a few issues and I must say Michael has been very helpful and I am very impressed with his response time. I do not want to continue to bother him if someone else might have been through this already and troubleshot it.
I downloaded the VirtualHere for 64 windows10
I ran it as a administrator and allowed it to install with banjour
It saw my steamlink, I right clicked the usb hub and then license. I clicked enter license and pasted my license there and clicked ok.
When I clicked ok that box closed and only the first license box was showing, and showing I only had the 1 connection
I tried to update my steamlink to the beta build, 503 and was sent another code. Exact same issues.
The steamlink is my server or host for virtualhere, anyone have a step by step or a tutorial of any kind to add the code into the config.ini ?
No problem, i sent you email regarding getting ssh access to the steamlink e.g https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steamlink-sdk