Dear support,
first I must say time, your software works perfect !!!
I have question or request for feature for next version.
When I install the client software into Windows as service, through Group policy object, then I have problem with Message boxes.
After the software is registered as service, I get 3 message boxes with these messages.
- VirtualHere USB Sharing service successfully installed
- VirtualHere USB Sharing service is starting...
- VirtualHere USB Sharing service started successfully
For users it is disturbing.
Can I set to software any parameter, with block these popup windows (silent installation)?
If not, is it possible to add a new silent parament to new version of this software?
My script, what I used
start "" C:\Windows\VirtualHere\vhui64.exe -b -c=C:\Windows\VirtualHere\vhui.ini
FYI, when I tried copy and run the program as service
vhui64.exe -b -c="C:\Program Files\VirtualHere\vhui.ini"
I got this error:
VirtualHere USB Sharing service successfully installed
The VirtualHere USB Sharing service is starting...
Timeout waiting the VirtualHere USB Sharing service to start
In my opinon, the problem is in path containing space for configuration file.
Many thanks
Hi, yes redirect the output
Hi, yes redirect the output of virtualhere (using the
argument) to a file or NUL like thisvhui64.exe -d -r NUL
Yes if the arg has spaces it needs to be enclosed in quotes