Operation not permitted on nvidia controller / nvdia shield

I've successfuly managed to connect one of my 2 nvidia controllers to my pc this afternoon via virtual usb running on android shield tv
Unfortunately i can't do it anymore, on the client it says "operation not permitted"
it may be because my 2 controllers have just been updated, i dont know...should never have accepted this update :(
any idea ?


If you stop using one controller, and try to use the other controller does it work? If so its a licensing issue, the android client can only use one device at a time unless its purchased.

Otherwise send me the system messages from the menu select "System Messages" -> Copy to clipboard and then email to mail [at] virtualhere.com (mail[at]virtualhere[dot]com)


Ok thanks for your help
This is not a license issue, email sent !


I'm also having this issue, I have never been able to get my Shield TV controller working on a Windows 10 client (though a Wii U Pro controller via a Mayflash bluetooth adapter works perfectly). I've emailed you my system messages, thanks.


Ok but actually i mean the System Messages in the menu at the top right of the VirtualHere android app, not the system messages in the virutalhere client, sorry its confusing...