Raspberrypi client binding devices at boottime

I run a Raspberrypi2 as a VirtualHere-Server with unlimited license.
The Client runs as a daemon on a RaspberryPi2/3 .
Til now I have to bind the devices of the server to the client after booting the client-machine manually.
What have I to do that the needed devices are bound automatically?

Thanks for Your help!



So after executing the vhclientarmhf command, what should I "see" on the Pi? I guess I expected to see new device entries under /dev, but I don't think I did (not sure what they would be called). Net-net, once I tell the Pi client to start using a connected device, what's the "handle" I need to use to start using it?


VirtualHere client will just present the remote device to the raspbian kernel on your client pi. You would need to have the appropriate drivers installed in raspbian to actually interact with the usb device at the client.

VirtualHere knows nothing about usb devices, it just knows what signals it needs to transfer to virtually attach the device so the client can interact with it like it would a local device. Therefore if you do "lsusb" on the client you should see the remote usb devices listed there if they are being remotely shared via virtualhere.

If you want to interact with the device you would then need to ensure that the raspbian drivers for that usb devices are present and then use whatever program interacts with the device (at the userspace level)

Its just like the device was directly plugged into your raspbian client.


In my case, lsusb returns the same device list after I do a "USE, xxxx" and after a "STOP USING, xxxx" So I'm not sure if the client is actually exposing the devices to Raspbian or not. To be clear, I have vhclientarmhf running in the background (not as a service) on a free license, not sure if that's impacting the operation of the client or not.


It probably is, you need to be running the client with a paid server...

Anyway, take a look in syslog and see if there is some messages written there...