VirtualHere with Steam Link - how do I get back to steam overlay?

I've previously been connecting a wireless xbox 360 controller via the microsoft USB dongle plugged directly into my steam link. This actually worked quite well, with the exception of emulators, because the emulator would read inputs as both a controller and kb/m at the same time, so pressing the B key would also push Esc and effectively quit my emulation.

VirtualHere worked well to abstract the controls so that it didn't act as a kb/m in my emulations (great!), but it also removed my ability to use the Steam Overlay in other games (even steam-official games). I tried messing with controlling settings, but still can't figure it out.

Any tips?

I'm running Steam version 1467926999, v017 of the API. I downloaded VirtualHere today, so must be ont he latest version there. Win10 OS.


No unfortunately i dont know because i dont have that controller or those games, try posting in the steam link forums...