Can't get client to recognize TPCast hub

This was working fine a few months ago. now it simply won't find the TPCast hub.

it finds the windows hub and keeps trying to connect to the TPCast hub but never seems to because it says the license has been exceeded. I had purchased a valid license for TPCast and still have the key in my email.

If I right click on USB Hub and click licenses it only shows the windows hub.

any help would be greatly appreciated.


OK, i think you are running the virtualhere windows server at the same time for some reason? The virtualhere client is picking up this server on your network. Its probably not licensed so it says this trial message.

Furthermore try uninstalling bonjour from windows Apps and Features. Then let the virtualhere client install bonjour again. With windows 1709 something broke bonjour and it needs to be installed again.


Ok, I’ll try your suggestions and report back. Thanks!


Yep, it was bonjour. Thanks!