Invisible mouse cursom in a virtual machine (hyper-v vm)?

Im using Virtualhere to send my usb mouse into a hyper-v vm. This makes it possible to have proper mouselook in for example fps games; the regular mouse in hyper-v makes weird movement, but using Virtualhere that an be circumvented. The problem with this though is that the USB mouse cursor gets invisible when using the virtualhere mouse device. I can make windows show me the position by enabling "show me the mouse cursor when I press CTRL", however this is not a permanent viable solution. If only there was a way for make windows show the mouse cursor all the time.

Anyone have a solution for this?


Its not virtualhere that is doing this. It is whatever program you are using is making the cursor hidden. VirtualHere is just passing the mouse exactly as it would be passed if it was directly plugged in.


yes I believe that :) I just thought maybe someone here had a solution. I think I would be able to find a small program somewhere that draw a small dot or cursor on the mouse position. I guess I could probably even learn to code it myself.


Are you running the game on the vm with streaming software at the same time? E.g parsec or steam or something like that. If so my guess would be that software is taking the mouse and projecting it somewhere else on the remote screen.


No it happens when there are no programs running. I use Hyper-v for the vm. My belief is that it has something to do with Hyper-v, I guess it uses a special way to handle mouse, which is the cause for me wanting to use Virtualhere. Without Virtualhere the mouse in a hyper-v vm is unusable for fps games (ie. mouselook). Regular interface mouse where you use the cursor works fine, but any type mouse look is totally skewed. Virtualhere solves this problem for me, but then Hyper-v does not update the mousepointer to be drawn over the actual mouseposition when using the virtualhere mouse. I found a program that could show me the x,y position of the mouse and that actually shows the correct position; which leads me to be believe it should be relatively easy to simply just draw your own cursor on that position. So either I have to learn how to code that in C# or something, or find a small program out there on the internetz ;)