How to stop ignoring a device?


How do I unignore devices?

I have two USB mouse of the same type connected to my host machine, and I want to use virtualhere to send one of them to my client machine. However when I set it to auto use the device, then the next time I start Virtualhere it tries to autouse BOTH devices, and then, because it is the trial version, it tells me I can only use one version. To make it stop trying to use both I tried the ignore function but that made it ignore both devices. And now I cant get them back.

Thanks for any help!


I tried the Restore to default settings, but that didnt help. The devices are still being ignore, so they dont appear in the list anymore.


Ok I found out how to unignore. Had to right click the hub, properties, then unignore, then remove the device id there.

However I still have the issue of Virtualhere trying to auto use both devices. Is it because the devices have same name? I tried renaming one of them in the virtualhere list, but it didnt help. It still gives that error upon startup that only one device can be used at a time for trial version.

If I change to using two different kinds of mouse, then the problems does not happen, only with the same type of mouse.


Thats because you are "Auto-using by Device" and the devices are the same. You need to "Auto-use by Device/Port" so its qualified by port and therefore both wont be auto-used.