Multiples password , or single password for device, is posible?

hello Michael, need some help,
is posible set 1 password to 1 device, diferetn to another device? like

device1 = password 1
device2 = password 2. ?

here is my script

# Example script for performing basic user authorization for virtualhere
# Also includes a simple password protection mechanism for accessing a device
# Return 2 if the user needs to provide a password (or the password is incorrect) to use the device
# Return 1 if the user is allowed to access this device
# Return 0 if the user is not allowed to access this device
# Parameters are passed in as:
# $1 = VENDOR_ID
# $3 = CLIENT_ID
# $4 = CLIENT_IP
# $7 = DEVPATH
logger "Authorizing -> '$1' '$2' '$3' '$4' '$5' '$6' '$7' '$8' '$9'"

# "mypassword" = "34819d7beeabb9260a5c854bc85b3e44" as an MD5 hash
if [ "$6" = "34819d7beeabb9260a5c854bc85b3e44" ]; then
echo "Password ok"
exit 2
#if [[ "$3" = *"(ANUBIS)"* ]]; then
logger "Authorized!"
exit 1
logger "NOT authorized"
exit 0


Yes you need to use another if or && operator statement and use the $DEVPATH$ and/or $PRODUCT_ID$ and $VENDOR_ID$ to test if its the password for the device you want. If not just return 0


can help with some example?

here are mi Hw info

Dongle 1,058f,9540,114131
Dongle 2,058f,9540,1131