Getting syntax error using (presumably) the correct executable

New user of both VirtualHere and Raspbian here. I downloaded the specific server version for my Raspberry Pi 4 model B, in other words "vhusbdarm64a72", but when I try to run it, I get the following error: "Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")" As far as I know, this usually occurs when trying to run an executable that isn't made for whatever CPU/OS one is running.

Am I totally off regarding the version? Should I use another executable?


What is happening is that vhusbdarm64a72 is an Arm 64-bit version (also known as AARCH64) and you are running a 32-bit kernel. You need a 64-bit kernel to run that version of the file.

If you are running the 32-bit raspbian you need to use VirtualHere USB Server Optimized for Pi4 (Cortex-A72 hardware floating with NEON SIMD ARM8 instruction support, Raspbian 32-bit) instead


Thanks! That did the trick!

Got my steering wheel up and running perfectly. Didn't really work via Wi-Fi, though, but I half expected that, so I had an Ethernet backup plan ready.