Steam link + VirtualHere + Android 11


I have a Galaxy s10 with Android 11. However, virtualhere does not show in the settings of the Steam Link app.

I have the VirtuelHere USB Server app installed and not launched.

I read a lot of forum, but found nothing.

I'm beginning to think this is not supported yet with Android 11.


VirtualHere works fine on Android 11.

Start the virtualhere app yourself then see if steam detects it ok then. It will add an option to the menu in steam to let you control what devices to use via virtualhere


Virtualhere works well as standalone with trial on my phone.
I tried to open Virtualhere and then Steamlink without success
In settings, I only see 3 tiles (computer, remote and streaming).
I also tried with Bluestack just to see how it happens. Actually, it worked in Bluestack

Then I uninstalled both app from my phone and installed them back, without success :/


Sounds like a bug in the steamlink app, you should email this to valve support.


Thanks, I will do that.