I am trying to connect an USB Audio device ( Turtle Beach Amigo II) using VirtualHere client 5.2.7 on macOS 12.1 and server version 4.3.2 (on Debian). VirtualHere client shows I am connected to device, Turtle Beach USB Audio appear in " System Preferences > Sound -> output" ( also in input).
Here is the audio device model:
I setup this device in loopback (It's feeding output into its own input). When I try to play a audio file and record audio via Quick Time, I see audio is not playing ( no progress in play timeline) or recording. Also, I am facing similar audio playback issues when using a different program(MATLAB) on macOS 12.1 with VirtualHere client.
It works fine on Windows 10 VirtualHere client.
Can you provide any suggestions to get the device working ?
Thank you in advance
Audio is not possible to pass through (yet) for MacOS Monterey. I'll add support when Apple enables it. However Apple wont say when/if they will enable Audio/Video passthrough
Thanks Michael. Can you
Thanks Michael. Can you please post here once Apple enable Audio passthrough.
Any updates on USB audio support?
It's been a few years since this has last been commented on. Is there any improvement in the chance of being able to do USB Audio through VirtualHere? Hopefully Apple has considered adding supporting for this in the upcoming MacOS Sonoma at least?
If not, is there any way you can integrate VirtualHere into Rogue Amoeba's Loopback functionality, for which they were able to get a signed, custom kext that allows virtual loopback audio devices? If not, no worries; thought I'd mention it, though.
Apple still does not allow it. And Apple never says what they are going to do unfortunately.