Block configuration changes by client

Is there any way to block the server from being reconfigured by the client?

I have a setup where i want to define the configuration once and then maybe add some line in the configuration file to block all further configuration changes by client. This is because there will be many users for my client and they should not be allowed to do any changes. Preferably even do not get the context menu items for any changes.


This helps a bit. So i can setup a script for every single action. Some have to return 0 and some have to return 1 to prevent the action. A problem for me: If there are new settings available i always have to add this to configuration to prevent the user from changing this. So a single configuration option to prevent everything but connect / disconnect would be very useful.

Additional i do not want to configure every client on its own, but simply allow the client exe to be downloaded from some service page. So the mechanism of hiding entries in the client should be done in the server.


OK no thats more of a customization which is not supported in the version from this website.