Update for Synology DSM 7's VirtualHere server?

I'm running a Synology NAS with DSM 7.1.1, with VirtualHere installed through its Package Center (with a license purchased for it) but I noticed that my iLok was having tons of problems when connected through the NAS, that it doesn't have when connected to my other computer with a VirtualHere server license. Checking the versions, my regular computer's running server version 4.5.6, but DSM's Package Center's version is the rather old 4.3.2... would it be possible to get 4.5.6 pushed out for DSM users?


I better wait until DSM 7.2 comes out then i will attempt to update their app store to the latest virtualhere server version.

If the iLok is causing problems on the Synology, its almost certainly a bug in the synology DSM firmware however. What Synology model is it?



Hopefully that's not another year out - they don't really seem to be releasing minor version changes on any sort of regular schedule =/

The NAS is a diskStation DS1821+, with the iLok connected, and a macbook pro (intel) with vh client running using it, the iLok software needs a surprisingly long time to realize there's an iLok plugged in (like... over a minute?), then correctly shows it in the interface, but when any software needs to use it in order to check for licenses, the whole thing locks up and the ilok software gets that classic beachball spinner cursor. And then no amount of waiting resolves it.

At first I thought it was the ilok software, because my windows computer didn't seem to have any problems, but downgrading the ilok software didn't solve the problem. It's also a macbook that I've used with virtualhere for several years now, so that didn't seem to be the problem, and plugging the ilok into my other computer with a virtualhere server license worked fine. So either the NAS itself is buggy, or there's some subtle incompatibility between the current version of DSM (it's kept reasonably in sync with DSM releases) and the DSM version of virtualhere.


Actually i double checked my past emails and back on the 19th Jan 2023, i DID send the latest VirtualHere Synology app 4.4.8 (back on the 19th Jan that was the latest) to Synology for updating in their app store.

So actually it is queued up to be put into their store.  Its not the very latest e.g at the moment 4.5.6..

I think they are working hard on their DSM 7.2 release (thats my guess) and haven't got around to putting their updated virtualhere app I sent them into their app store.

In the old days you could just update an app manually in Synology so there was no problem. But they have locked down the security a lot and virtualhere needs special permissions so you cannot manually update the app anymore by just downloading it from this website.

What MacOS version are you running?



Hi Michael, I have DSM 7.2 installed on Synology DS220+. I still have version 4.3.2. How can I get version 4.5.6. I have license purchased. Thank you


You cant get it, you need to wait for Synology


... since the last comment - and nothing has changed from synology-side
4.3.2 is still the latest version available

would be nice to finally get the latest server-version of virtualhere

@Michael: Do you have any information about the app-update policy of Synology regarding the apps in their paket manager?



Yes ive been trying to get it in for the last few years. The most recent version I submitted was 2 weeks ago. They are doing a lot of work on the synology dsm which is coming out soon. This is basically why its delayed i think.


Note that DSM allows manual installation (package center -> "manual install"), so that might be a way more effective method of getting updates pushed out - it won't be "blessed" by Synology, but it's safe to say at this point that they don't don't care enough about third party developers, or the users who rely on third party packages to stay up to date. Even if they say they do. Actions speak louder than emails.


I do think they care about 3rd party developers but my guess is they are resource constrained. They are not rich companies like Apple or Google which have lots of people to review app updates. I think their focus is on making the DSM as good as they can. I do hope it will be in by the end of June 2024.  Unfortunately its no longer possible to "manual install" in DSM anymore, otherwise i would have the downloads directly on my website. It requires a signature of Synology to be installed. 

I really want the app update to go into their app store too. I have extra features in the Server now for the virtualhere kvm/ip system which i want in their app store so that i can promote the Synology as a KVM/IP server...



i also have already seen your new functionality - and this is also a reason why i have asked about the update regulations

I fully understand the situation at synology - but in my opinion it is not very fair - their apps are being updated regulary. And in your case it should be possible to give you any kind of "trusted developer" in order to deploy updates of your app faster.

And one more thing - you make an amazing job with this wonderful app :)


Unfortunately its no longer possible to "manual install" in DSM anymore

Do you mean in the upcoming version of DSM, or the current DSM 7.2.1-69057 Update 5? Because I have some packages installed manually on that right now, as well as using the third party community registry rather than Synology's own registry?



Only basic apps can be installed manually, any app that requires extra permisisons like virtualhere cannot


OK does that install?


OK great, i think that means it works. Hopefully Synology can just put it in their App Store, im not sure why there is a holdup

