I'm currently looking for a remote USB solution for an arcade place. Since I used VH privately I immediately thought about it.
The requirements seem pretty simple. 4-6 devices will be connected at once, with mostly low data rates, but real-time-ish transmission requirements. Think something like a virtual flight/racing sim cockpit + a mono two-way audio. No cameras or storage devices. Everything will be connected via Ethernet, with the client running on a Windows VM.
I'm pretty positive (unless Michael thinks otherwise ;)) that VH is the right software choice here. As for the server, I was wondering if any of the recommended "cloud" hardware platforms will fit the bill? RPi 3 and 4 are impossible to get, Zero W with USB Ethernet is doable but seems underpowered... I never tried any of the "routers" flashed with cloud firmware.
I would recommend trying the gl-ar300m16 as they are very good and stable. The CPU is only 650Mhz MIPS but it does work well for most things. And they are so cheap its worth buying one to try.
would a usb hub attached to…
would a usb hub attached to the gl-ar300m16 be a good solution for peripherals?
Yes a simple usb 2.0 - 4 port or 7 port hub would be fine e.g one of the amazon basics hubs