I have been testing the client agent with a USB CodemeterCM USB from wibu systems connected to the service
Fists, we list the USB connected to the server :
vhui64.exe -t LIST
-> CodeMeter-Stick M (MSI.5)
Then we select the device
vhui64.exe -t "USE,MSI.5"
and we always get FAILED after 5 seconds or less
we tried with the licenses server and without the license and we get the same error any suggestions?
What device is the virtualhere server running on (i.e where is the stick physically connected?)
That will have a reason in the server log.
The USB is connected to the…
The USB is connected to the Windows VM
We have 2 USB dongles in the server one is a sentinel HL and the other is codemeterCM. With the Sentinel HL we do not have any issue sharing from the server to the client ; that works well, but with the USB sticker CodeneterCM, we get FAILURE every time.
what do you suggest?
I suggest you answer the question i asked :) What is the server ? You need to tell me that so i know where the log is
the server is a windows USB server vhusbdwin64.exe
Thanks, try this test build of the virtualhere server instead (exit the existing one if its running)
Let me know how it goes.
Did that fix it?
We still getting the same error in the client, but in the server, we get these logs
With this version of the server, we found some issues that we had to disconnect the USB or the Windows server has been rebooted inside the VM
so the test with 2 USB tokens, the Sentinel HL still works perfect , but with the CodemeterCM USB token we are still getting FAILURE in the command options that we select through the client
Any suggestions?
You need to be using windows 1809 or later on both server and client side
however you are using windows 1607
and the windows virtualhere server cannot run inside a VM it must be run on read hardware
Ok, installing the solution in a VM in Hyper-V o VMware, we get issues with only the CodemeterCM USB token.
We are still getting a failure connection, an issue we do not get in the Sentinel USB token.
But when we use a physical Windows server 2019 or Windows 10, the solution works fine in both USB sticks sharing over the internet.
So we will stick to the physical server installation of the VirtualHEre Server.