Error using this device

Client: Win 11

Server: Win 11 (fresh install)


When running the client I can see all my USB devices, as expected.  However, when I connect to any one of them, it says "There was an error using this device" on the client.  On the server, I noticed that under Bluetooth & Devices screen (where it lists all "other devices", it will flash on the screen," The installation of this device is forbidden by the system policy.  Contact your system administrator".  In the Event Viewer, it says:

Error: Error binding device YY XXXXX to connection 1, BIND_ERROR

Information: Found High Speed Device XXXXX at address YY


I've restarted multiple times.  And here's the weird part.  Sometimes some devices will work and connect as expected.  Then I'll connect another device and it will stop.  I'll restart the server and then no devices will work. 


I googled the error and found websites like this.  None of the fixes like this seems to work.…


Any ideas?


Thanks, Scott


So I found out there was a conflicting program.  Basically it was racing to grab the USB device that was plugged in. Stopped that program from running and it all worked.


New issue happened though.  On the server, I enabled the "Start minimized" option. But now I can't use my mouse and keyboard on my server.  Even when the client is not running or when the client doesn't have those devices connected.  Even in safe mode, they will not work.  (mouse and keyboard works fine in bios).  Is there a way to force stop the process from running?


Does it show the mouse and keyboard in the virtualhere client?


It did. And I added them to the ignore list and did not connect them.

But it didn't make a difference is the client was connected or not.  or if the client was running or not.


I dont think this is related to virtualhere. I think its whatever that other program is


I removed that other program, so it shouldn't be running anymore.

If I reinstall the OS, will I be able to use my same license?




Reinstalled OS and everything works as expected.  Not sure what was going on before.

Thanks for the help!