'vhclient -t LIST' exits 255 on success

<p>docker@boot2docker:~$ vhclient -t LIST<br />
VirtualHere IPC, below are the available devices:<br />
(Number in brackets = address, * = Auto-Use)
<p>B17 (remotehub:7575)<br />
*--> TTL232R-3V3 (4294967410) (In-use by you)<br />
*--> Olimex OpenOCD JTAG ARM-USB-OCD-H (4294967408) (In-use by you)
<p>Auto-Find currently off<br />
Auto-Use All currently on<br />
Reverse Lookup currently off<br />
VirtualHere is running as a service<br />
docker@boot2docker:~$ echo $?<br />
255<br />
<p>Why does it do it? Should it exit 0 instead?
<p>Regards,<br />


Yes it always returns -1 (255 unsigned) when the client is called with the -t command.
I see that is an issue with the set -e in a bash script, i will try to fix now and let you know when a new build is ready...


This is now fixed in 3.0.1 of the client. it will always return 0 to the shell and hence set -e will work

If you want to know if an IPC command actually failed you need to parse the stdout pipe


<p>This should help at least to some extent.. Are there any plans to support more machine-friendly output formats? JSON? XML?
<p>Regards,<br />