Requesting assistance with Windows based docker image for VH Client!

Hey guys, I need to build a docker image based on FROM

I know you guys have an alpine image, so I thought the best way to start would be to translate it to Windows.  ChatGPT gave me this after some finagling.  Clearly, the bits involving the Linux kernel don't belong here.  I'm wondering if you could review what needs to change here to make everything work. Of course, if I can get it working, the image would be on Docker hub for public consumption. 

FROM AS build

SHELL ["powershell", "-Command"]
WORKDIR C:\build

RUN Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; `
   [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; `
   iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')); `
   choco install -y curl 7zip make

RUN $KERNELVER = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion').CurrentBuild; `
   curl -L -o kernel.tar.gz$($KERNELVER).x/linux-$($KERNELVER).tar.gz; `
   7z x kernel.tar.gz -so | 7z x -si -ttar -oC:\build\linux-src

WORKDIR C:\build\linux-src

RUN .\make defconfig; `
   if (Test-Path -Path C:\proc\1\root\proc\config.gz) { `
       & zcat C:\proc\1\root\proc\config.gz > .config; `
   } `
   .\make oldconfig modules_prepare; `
   .\make M=drivers\usb\usbip; `
   New-Item -Path C:\dist -ItemType Directory; `
   Copy-Item -Path drivers\usb\usbip\usbip-core.ko -Destination C:\dist; `
   Copy-Item -Path drivers\usb\usbip\vhci-hcd.ko -Destination C:\dist

RUN New-Item -Path C:\dist\.vhui -ItemType File -Value '[General]`nAutoFind=0`n'; `
   curl -L -o C:\dist\vhclientx86_64; `
   icacls C:\dist\vhclientx86_64 /grant Everyone:(X)


WORKDIR C:\vhclient

COPY --from=build C:\dist\* C:\vhclient\

ENV HOME=C:\vhclient

# Define the entry point or command
CMD ["powershell"]



I'm not an expert on windows containers, but as i understand it I don't think its possible to install drivers inside a windows container. The VirtualHere USB 3 Host Controller driver needs to be inside the container for virtualhere to work and this cannot be done.