I'm having an issue with VirtualHere: the server doesn't retain the nicknames assigned to the dongles after a reboot. In the config.ini
file, I see the string DeviceNicknames=PROG 1,0529,0003,12,PROG 2,0529,0001,16,PROG 3,0529,0001,17...
, but it seems that it's not being loaded correctly by the program. Does anyone know why this might be happening or how to fix it?
What device is virtualhere server running on? A windows pc or a NAS etc?
The server is running on a Windows PC
Try this.
Right click on a dongle and then select Properties and then see what "Address" it shows
Reboot the server
In the virtualhere client, click on the same Dongle and select Properties and see if the "Address" is the same?
Can you post your entire config.ini here
Ok, the address is not the same.
Here my config, the DeviceIdMap is very long...
DeviceNicknames=EDILCLIMA 1,0529,0003,12,EDILCLIMA 2,0529,0001,16,EDILCLIMA 3,0529,0001,17,MOLD SIMULATOR,0403,c580,14,PRIMUS 2,1068,0005,10,INTEGRA,096e,0006,13,PRIMUS 1,1068,0001,18,MANTUS,1068,0005,20,PRIMUS 1,1068,0001,22,TUTTONORMEL,0529,0001,23,EDILCLIMA 3,073d,0026,15,EDILCLIMA 4,0529,0001,21,EDILCLIMA 1,0529,0001,60,EDILCLIMA 2,0529,0001,62,INTEGRA,096e,0006,69,EDILCLIMA 3,0529,0003,68,EDILCLIMA 4,073d,0026,71,MANTUS,1068,0005,63,PRIMUS 1,1068,0001,64,PRIMUS 2,1068,0005,67,MOLD SIMULATOR,0403,c580,70,TUTTONORMEL,0529,0001,65
Ok it seems you are mixing USB over IP products. I see virtualhere and i see fabulatech. That could be the issue. Can you uninstall fabulatech if you are not using it.
I have already uninstall fabulatech.
Could there be residual files?
Maybe...stop and exit the virtualhere server. Then delete the config.ini file then start the virtualhere server again. (And put in the license key) Then see if FABULATECH appears in the config.ini file.
Here is the file config.ini after the reinstallation, where do I find the references to FabulaTech if there are any?
Looks ok now. Is it working now?
no, the address is still changing
Can you post the config.ini again please.
Thanks for that, i see the problem.
The issue is that windows is assigning a different name to the usb hub you are using on each reboot...and this is confusing virtualhere.
Windows will not assign a different name to a hub across reboots unless the hub is unplugged.
There are multiple issues here but basically are you unplugging the USB hub at any time? I don't recommend that. Also if you unplug a dongle, plug it back into the same port. Also Im assuming you are using windows 10 or later?
The reason why this issue is appearing at all, is that the hub manufacturer and the dongle manufacturer are not following the USB specification fully and are not giving their devices a serial number so it is impossible to uniquely identify a device for giving it a nickname. VirtualHere can normally handle this fine (it just uses the port its attached to) but windows also is having issues with the hub and cannot keep the same port details.
Basically i would try running virtualhere on another machine and see if that keeps the nickname between reboots.