Easyfind requirements

Hi, I've been checking topics here and  it seems like if there's a firewall (corporate) in the virtualhere server then easyfind won't work right (client is using a home broadband)? or it is possible? just that more firewall configuration is required and not just opening port 443 UDP. Appreciate the response!




Correct, easyfind wont work through a firewall, however if only UDP 443 is open it should.


Sorry you mean that only UDP 443 is open and others should be closed for it to work? 

Also, is there any way for me to catch the logs while i try to connect the server and client via easyfind? So I could figure out which part it gets blocked

Thanks always for prompt reply!


You can have any ports open as long as UDP 443 is open.

The issue with firewalls is that the only way through is via a relay which is very slow and is why easyfind doesnt support relaying.

Easyfind will send a UDP packet on port 443 from each end (client and server) to easyfind.virtualhere.com and from there the negotiation happens and each side will attempt to connect back with the open UDP port to the other.

There is really any end user logging.

On the easyfind infrastructure at easyfind.virtualhere.com i can see the easyfind address connecting from the server but that is all. If you email me i can tell you if/when the server is connecting to the easyfind system. Sometimes it can take quite a few attempts for it to sucessfully open a connection between server and client. 


I see. Ok then I will try on working days and will email you. Thanks a lot!