I have installed the virtualhere server on a GL-AR300M16 and it has been really simple to setup and get it to work.
There are a few settings I would like to change on the GL-AR300M16. I have looked on the forum but I haven't found any answers:
-Is it possible to change the Glinet's IP adress and IP adress range for DHCP server?
-Is it possible to disable the DHCP server all together?
-Is it possible to use the ethernet WAN port as a lan port?
Thanks in advance,
These changes you need to perform yourself using the openwrt uci tools on the commandline. This is quite difficult and i don't recommend unless you know what you are doing.
If you want something outside this, you could install plain openwrt on the ar300m16 and install virtualhere as an ipk, then you could use luci to configure it instead. If you want to do this, the ipk is here https://www.virtualhere.com/sites/default/files/usbserver/virtualhere-u…
Thank you so much for your…
Thank you so much for your help Michael.
I have managed to install the IPK on the openWRT firmware but also on the Glinet's stock firmware which is perfect as it allows to keep the user friendly interface.
For other people in my situation, the way to install the Virtualhere firmware is here (if you have a stock firmware):
First go to advanced settings in the menu then click on the link to access the luci interface (should look like
The password is: password
then go to "system"-"software" then click on upload package and select the .ipk file that Michael linked in the previous message.
If you were already on the virtual here firmware you can revert to the stock firmware by downloading the latest version here: https://dl.gl-inet.com/router/ar300m16/stable and uploading it via virtual here's settings.
I hope this helps.