Question about licensing and the Trialware message when the client connects


As I understand it, virtualhere is allowed to be used to connect one USB device free of charge. To connect more than one device the Raspberry Pi cost is $29 per unit.

I haven't bought our licenses yet as we are still installing our Raspberry Pi Thin Clients. One thing I've noticed in my testing though is whenever our windows client connects to the virtualhere server on our Raspberry Pi, we receive a popup message that virtualhere is in trialmode.

For those workstations that only require one USB device, what will get rid of this popup message? I'm not in violation of the licensing since I am only using one USB device. Is there a way to remove this popup?

How does the virtualhere software know when a USB connected device is not a keyboard or mouse? I use a KVM switch to give me a keyobard, mouse and monitor to my Raspberry Pi. I've then connected (for testing) various usb devices (printer, USB key drives). Does Virtualhere then think I have two usb devices connected (3 actually in my test situation) and throw up this pop message because I'm in violation of your licensing?

Thank you.


It doesnt matter how many usb device you have plugged it, virtualhere will only share one of them at a time in the trial mode. That message appears when the server knows its in limited mode it sends that message on new client connections. I dont really want to remove it as it encourages companies to remember to license it....


Except if we as a company are legally (by your licening) allowed to use your software on some of our workstations that only require one USB device shared, having that message in our office looks very unprofessional. We always abide by the law of licensing and will pay for what we need to pay. In this case your server knows that it's in limited mode so putting up that message in my opinion is not required since there is no way for us to break the license and add more USB devices. Why not instead add a little note to the bottom/footer of the client GUI that says this client is in trialmode, please consider upgrading to a licensed version. I see no reason to be forced to pay for a license to get rid of this message when we are abiding by the rules.

Please reconsider and let me/us know what you think.

Thank you.


"having that message in our office looks very unprofessional"

Yes i was thinking about this. Then i realized its pretty simple. If you are a for profit company, then some money needs to make its way back to virtualhere and that in-turn licenses server and turns off the message and allows multiple devices to be shared. If you were an opensource developer or charity etc just helping the community then i would consider removing the message.

I have other customers who use it at their work and also large customers who use it in their labs and they license it via a volume license. Im happy to negotiate a license in terms of volume etc so it works well for both of us. Send me an email with your volume etc...what i do is generate a special key that unlocks it for all servers it is installed on.

In reply to by Michael


So that's the way you want it to work...