PDP Riffmaster Xbox not working on Pixel 8 Pro

When using VirtualHere server on the Pixel 8 Pro running Android 15 only one of the two expected interfaces are passed through. It does, however, work when using a Shield TV as the server.

The Riffmaster uses an RF dongle and appears as a composite device with two interfaces. One is an "Xbox Gaming Device," which is successfully passed through on both the Pixel and the Shield. The other interface is an HID device of subclass 0. This second interface only works using the Shield as the server.

I have Wireshark captures on the client PC with the dongle directly plugged in to the client PC and using both Android devices as the server if that would help narrow down the issue.

Any thoughts?


Subclass 0 should pass through (Subclass 1 is blocked https://issuetracker.google.com/u/1/issues/193949757 )

Its hard to say what the issue is,  if you have the wireshark logs you might as well send them through mail [at] virtualhere.com (mail[at]virtualhere[dot]com) and ill see if it shows something.. Thanks.