Problem with Renaming of Devices

i have a little issue with renaming of devices on windows client (maybe it is not a client related issue).

The situation:
New clean server (ubuntu).
Add an USB-Dongle and rename it on the client. This is fine. Then i remove the Dongle and add another Dongle on the same Port. The Client shows the name of the old device. That may be ok, because the nicknames are related to the usb-port...?
Then i try to rename the new dongle on the client, but here is the problem: The new name is written to config.ini on the server but on the client side the old name is shown.
I think the Problem is, that there are more than one nickname for that port in the config.ini and first will be shown.

Client and server are up-to-date.

Is there a solution for this?

Maybe you could add a function that clear all nicknames for ports that are currently not in use?


I think your dongle doesnt have a serial number and that is the problem. In the virtualhere client, right click on the dongle and select Properties and see if it shows Serial?


Hello Michael,
thanks for your reply. You are right, some of the devices have no serial number. I hope we get rid of those dongles in the future, but for now i have to find a workaround.


OK unfortunately if the dongle has no serial number it is not possible to identify it uniquely and so a nickname cannot be assigned. There is a mode in virtualhere where you can assign a nickname by port, however it seems you are changing ports so you will lose the nickname therefore i dont think there is any workaround for this.



I am using two first-generation iLoks with a VirtualHere server running on a GL-AR300M16 device. Unfortunately, I am encountering the following issues:

  1. I am unable to rename the iLoks in the VirtualHere interface.
  2. The serial numbers for the iLoks are not being detected.

Could you please provide detailed instructions on how to configure the mode where nicknames are assigned by port?


I thought iLoks always have a serial, but maybe really old ones dont...

Anyway, to switch to rename by port

In the virtualhere client, right click on the iLok and select Rename and delete the entry there so its blank (this resets the nickname back to the default device name)

Then exit the virtualhere client.

Edit the c:\User\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\vhui.ini file and under the [General] section add the line


then save the vhui.ini and start the client again. And rename with that client. If you are not using a windows client you can find the vhui configuration file here


Windows : c:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\vhui.ini
MacOS: /Users/Username/Library/Preferences/vhui Preferences
Linux: ~/.vhui


Hi, Michael

Thank you for the detailed explanation!