Loupedeck crashes on Mac client. RPi Zero 2w Server.

I am trying to use a Loupedeck Live S on a Macbook Pro M3 (Sonoma 14.4.1 (23E224)) from a Pi Zero 2w.

The Loupedeck shows up on the server list and will connect to the computer (it's shown on the Mac's USB list, and the managing software shows it as connected) but the Console screen does not refresh and after a few seconds it will crash and shut off. 

I noticed that for the few seconds before the screen crashes the inputs on the console do work as intended on the computer and managing software.

This same setup would work perfectly on a RasPi Zero 2W Server with Windows 10 Client, and MacOs server - Windows 10 client, but will not work on the Mac client regardless of the server.

All clients and servers have been installed and reinstalled on every device in the last few days.




Could you email me mail [at] virtualhere.com (mail[at]virtualhere[dot]com) the VirtualHereUniversal crash log in MacOS Finder->Utilities->Console ->Crash Reports


There is no crash report on the Mac OS console.


I don't think the client crashes because the USB device still shows as connected even after the Loupedeck screen goes blank.

It looks like the server can't send/receive data to the Loupedeck when used on MacOS.

I have a Windows computer next to the Macbook.

I can use the Loupedeck on it with no problems, then "stop using this device" on Windows, -  Select "Use this device" on the Mac, and the Loupedeck crashes. Then stop it on Mac, then use it on Windows and it will work again. all of this without ever touching the console or the server.



OK the Loupedeck must have some sort of Audio input or output which is not supported on the VirtualHere MacOS Client.


I'm 95% sure it doesn't support audio in any way. It's a Macro pad. it only relays analog interactions on the pad to the controlling software. I could be wrong though!

Thanks for the quick reply anyway.



Can you plug it into a windows machine then run https://www.uwe-sieber.de/usbtreeview_e.html click on the Loupedeck on the left and look on the right and search for any "Isochronous" words. That will confirm whether or not it has audio. I would have through its just a keyboard as well. If it doesnt crash in virtualhere its not possible to determine the issue anyways.


"Isochronous" does not show up on the report.

I sent a copy of the report to mail [at] virtualhere.com (mail[at]virtualhere[dot]com) (Subject: Loupedeck USB Tree Report) just in case you'd like to take a look.



Thanks, indeed it doesnt have isochronous endpoints, actually it is just a serial device which should be fine.

When you use it via virtualhere on the Mac Client right click USB Servers->System Messages. Are there any messages there about errors or warnings?


The only system message is:

2025-02-25 08:06:19 INFO  :Warning, error clearing halt on hc 0 p 1 ep 0x81 for device 11, -1

It showed when I disconnected it without stopping it on the server.

If I stop it before disconnecting it no message would appear.



Please see bellow a step by step account of the latest test.


  • Quit and Restarted client. These system messages show on the log.


2025-02-25 09:27:29 INFO  :VirtualHere Client 5.8.5 starting (Compiled: Feb 15 2025 12:49:21)

2025-02-25 09:27:29 INFO  :Client OS is macOS Sonoma Version 14.4.1 (Build 23E224)

2025-02-25 09:27:29 INFO  :Using config at /Users/luis/Library/Preferences/vhui Preferences

2025-02-25 09:27:29 INFO  :IPC available at /tmp/vhclient

2025-02-25 09:27:30 INFO  :Auto-find using Bonjour - on

2025-02-25 09:27:30 INFO  :Auto-find using Bonjour SSL - on


  • Connected Loupedeck to server
  • Started Loupedeck. This messages showed up.


2025-02-25 09:28:06 INFO  :interestHandler mt=3758096641

2025-02-25 09:28:06 INFO  :interestHandler mt=3758096641

2025-02-25 09:28:06 INFO  :interestHandler mt=3758096641


  • Inputs work for a few seconds, but the deck screen is blank.
  • Loupedeck screen crashes,  Some “noise” appears on the Loupedeck screen, inputs stop working, and after a few seconds, the LoupeDeck turns completely off.
  • It still shows as connected both on the client, and the Loupedeck software.
  • Stopped the Loupedeck on the client, re-started it and the same behavior would repeat.
  • Repeated the stop/start sequence (4th time), but this time disconnected the USB cable without stopping the connection on the client and this messages popped up.


2025-02-25 09:49:08 INFO  :Warning, error clearing halt on hc 0 p 1 ep 0x81 for device 11, -1

2025-02-25 09:49:08 INFO  :Warning, error clearing halt on hc 0 p 1 ep 0x82 for device 11, -1

2025-02-25 09:49:08 INFO  :Warning, error clearing halt on hc 0 p 1 ep 0x81 for device 11, -1

2025-02-25 09:49:08 INFO  :Warning, error clearing halt on hc 0 p 1 ep 0x82 for device 11, -1

2025-02-25 09:49:08 INFO  :Warning, error clearing halt on hc 0 p 1 ep 0x81 for device 11, -1

2025-02-25 09:49:08 INFO  :Warning, error clearing halt on hc 0 p 1 ep 0x82 for device 11, -1

2025-02-25 09:49:08 INFO  :Warning, error clearing halt on hc 0 p 1 ep 0x81 for device 11, -1

2025-02-25 09:49:08 INFO  :Warning, error clearing halt on hc 0 p 1 ep 0x82 for device 11, -1

2025-02-25 09:49:08 INFO  :Warning, error clearing halt on hc 0 p 1 ep 0x81 for device 11, -1

2025-02-25 09:49:08 INFO  :Warning, error clearing halt on hc 0 p 1 ep 0x82 for device 11, -1

2025-02-25 09:49:08 INFO  :Warning, error clearing halt on hc 0 p 1 ep 0x81 for device 11, -1


I hope this helps. 



OK those log messages are fine.

Try using it via an ethernet cable if you can between client machine and server. I know the piw doesnt have ethernet but perhaps put VH on another server box. Im might be a latency issue.


That worked.

Ran the server on a Windows laptop and the Client on an iMac, both connected to an old router via ethernet cables, and wifi off.


Great, good to hear


Is it possible to fix it? 

It does work on windows. 

Do you now if it's a network or MacOs issue?


Network+ MacOS

MacOS is more sensitive to latency