I have a question regarding a paid license. If I were to buy it, would it allow me to use VirtualHere USB Server on any device, but with restriction of at most one device at the same time or it would be bound forever to a specific one? In case the former were true, would I have to only enter license number on single client and it would be accepted and stored by the sever, so that other client wouldn't have to enter it one by one?
Kind Regards,
Hi, you can use the server on
Hi, you can use the server on the device you purchase the license for. It is bound to a specific one. You can paste the license once into the one client and it remembers it. You dont need to paste it in other clients.
Hi again,
Hi again,
thank you for the swift reply. Just wanted to know one more thing. If I assign the license to a server, which is hosted on my PC, am I able to add/remove every single part (CPU, RAM, NIC, etc.) except its motherboard and it will be still recognized as 'the same device'?
Kind regards,