Steam Link beta + Virtualhere + Thrustmaster T150?

Been browsing and troubleshooting but something is still wrong.

When I plug the wheel into the steam link (the wheel works fine on my pc), it fails to install the drivers properly. I did a manual driver install, and now the error it gives me is "This device cannot start. (Code 10)". The drivers are up to date and the exact same as they are when plugged straight into the pc.

Im out of instructions now, been browsing many posts but maybe im just not tech savvy enough to pick up whats wrong.

Just before you ask, I have installed the Virtualhere client on the pc, and it recognises a "Thrustmaster FFB Wheel (usb)". I have made it active (in use by you), and this fails to install the drivers. I also tried the onReset.$VENDOR_ID$.$PRODUCT_ID$= magic bit, didn't help.

I'm using windows 7 64bit.

Heres the steamlink_boot.txt file, the debug file didnt show up on mine either.…


Hi, yes i noticed a few posts on the steam forum, the thrustmaster T150 wheel is quite new and there is not much documentation about it, so im not sure at the moment how to get it working. There is probably some magic combination of data that needs to be sent to the wheel when it is connected, to switch it to the correct mode.

I dont think that special custom handler is required so remove it by right clicking on the wheel in virtualhere and selecting "Custom Event Handler..." and entering this:


then click OK. Then unplug the wheel.

Can you download (free trial) and then install and start it then select "Capture" -> Settings and check all boxes then click Start.

Now plug your T150 into your PC and messages to start to scroll on the usblyzer screen. It will stop after a while (trial limit) , can you save that and send it to

That log may show the messages required to switch the mode (if any). Thanks


I'm having a very similar issue with virtualhere and a Thrustmaster T300RS wheel. The client machine installs a generic "Thrustmaster FFB Wheel" drivers and Windows will not recognize the wheel in control panel. Is there a resolution for this issue?


That wheel very likely has to be set to a certain mode when its plugged in. This is usually done by sending a special command to the wheel. Can you post this question to the valve forums and see if soluken responds as he may have that wheel and if so its probably easy to get working if we can figure out the code...


I have the very same issue with a Mac OSX Server to a Windows Client. I am using a "Thrustmaster TX" and just after I connect it, Virtualhere identify the connected device as "Thrustmaster TX GIP Wheel" and then rename it to "Thrustmaster FFB Wheel".

Sometimes when using this command I see the correct name again for brief moments:


After some investigation I found that the server is identifying my wheel correctly:

Vendor ID: 044f; Product ID: b664

But then when I on my client the Product ID changes to b65d.
Anyway to force a specific product id?


The product id changes because the firmware inside the wheel changes the product id automatically, if commands are or are not sent to the wheel when its first plugged in. Since the commands are not being sent when its plugged into your osx that is what the firmware does by default ,changing the product id to b65d. There is a github project called that you may be able to compile for your osx machine and send it the correct command before using via virtualhere...but im not sure if your wheel is in that project or not


Can you run the usbanalyzer like in the post above and send me the ulz file it may show something

In reply to by Michael


I would like to help, but the usblyzer program causes my PC to bluescreen.


OK, i think if you are running windows 10 and install usblyzer it will bluescreen as it does on mine for some reason. Anyway just install wireshark and make sure to check the box usbpcap when installing. Then just use the configuration "USBPcap3" and that should work with the virtualhere host controller correctly. Then just send me the pcap and ill take a look.


Yes client side, you will need to use wireshark if you are on windows 10


Havent heard anything from steams side in a few months. Would it be possible to push the issue at all, Michael?


i asked them last week if they got the T150 working and they said no... when virtualhere goes out of beta into steamlink proper and i get a lot of orders i will buy a T150 to figure it out and get it working for people with this device


Virtualhere is moving out of beta on steamlink this week or next. If its popular i will buy a T150 and figure it out...but that would be in about a month, so i can see what sort of response virtualhere gets in steam...


Alright, well, congratulations on that :)


I purchased virtualhere from steam to try this out but even with the new drivers and firmwarw, im still getting stuff to the ffb wheel mode instead of getting t150 recognised. I posted a reply to the thread you linked above (user Viidakon Ykä).