Windows 10 x64 Server, OSX 10.11 iPhone BIND_ERROR


I am attempting to share iPhone plugged into Windows 10 x64 laptop to OSX Mac Mini running 10.11.6. OSX client sees the server and the Windows Hub, and sees the iPhone. When I right-click iPhone and select use, I keep getting the following message on the OSX machine:

"There was a error sharing this device."

Upon checking the Windows server log, I see the following:
2016-10-11 17:13:42 ERROR :Failed to enumerate drivers when selecting, No more data is available. (0x00000103)
2016-10-11 17:13:42 ERROR :Error binding device 4 [05ac:12a8] to connection 1, BIND_ERROR

Other devices on the same Windows Hub share without issue...

Any ideas?


Virtualhere will NOT work correctly on 10.11 , you need 10.12.1 or 10.10,


I updated the Mac Mini to 10.12, but I am getting the same exact error messages...

2016-10-12 11:12:28 ERROR :Failed to enumerate drivers when selecting, No more data is available. (0x00000103)
2016-10-12 11:12:28 ERROR :Error binding device 4 [05ac:12a8] to connection 6, BIND_ERROR


OK it works fine for me, so i think you should try uninstalling all server drivers. Maybe something didnt install fully beforehand

1. Exit virtualhere server
2. Run vhusbdwin64.exe -u
3. Reboot the computer
4. Run the virtualhere server again
5. In the osx 10.12.1 system click on the "iPhone" in the virtualhere client and select "Use" it will then say on the server log

2016-10-13 103205 INFO Installing driver for class USB {36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}
2016-10-13 103206 INFO OK driver installed try again...
2016-10-13 103209 INFO Device 3 [05ac12a8] BOUND to connection 1

And it will then appear connected to the osx 10.12.1 machine and you would have to accept the computer connection on the iphone like you normally would.


Hi Michael,

Looks like it downloaded the driver but still no go.

2016-10-12 18:40:35 INFO :Found High speed device [05ac:12a8] "Apple Inc., iPhone" at address 4
2016-10-12 18:40:48 INFO :Installing driver for class WPD {EEC5AD98-8080-425F-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}
2016-10-12 18:40:48 INFO :Downloading
2016-10-12 18:40:50 INFO :Downloading
2016-10-12 18:40:51 INFO :Downloading
2016-10-12 18:40:52 INFO :OK driver installed try again...
2016-10-12 18:40:52 ERROR :Failed to enumerate drivers when selecting, No more data is available. (0x00000103)
2016-10-12 18:40:52 ERROR :Error binding device 4 [05ac:12a8] to connection 1, BIND_ERROR


Ok, I sent it.


I testing VirtualHere today. I've got the same problem.


Hi Paul, yeah at the moment iDevice via virtualhere is broken until apple fixes osx...