Wondering if there is support for client on an RDSH host? Have a licensed version I would like to be able to use in conjunction with published apps on an RDS host. Scenario is - user connects to published app - script runs on connect that "uses" appropriate usb key plugged into back of Synology. This does work with VMware View desktops, just not RDS published apps or RDS published desktops. RDP into host does not work either, even after manually connecting USB device. Any advice greatly appreciated, thanks!
There are two issues:
1. Microsoft blocks some dongles when you use RDP -> You need to use VNC. Try this method first and see if it fixes your issue
2. If you use session based virtualization the windows kernel does not have standard functionality so drivers cannot be uniquely installed in a session for virtualhere to work. If you use VM based sessions then virtualhere will work because windows is completely virtualized and drivers can be installed in sessions.