RPi3 Problem

HI! I'm using the latest image 3.3.9 for Raspberry Pi 3. Unfortunately the VirtualHere Client for Windows cannot find any USB Hubs.
So I tried to set the IP manually ind VirtualHere Client, but I do not know the IP, I cannot find the RPi3 In my Network because the DHCP of my Router does not show any new devices. Tried with two different RPi3.
Any Ideas?


Are you talking about the cloudhub image?


Ok the reason is that it presents a "CloudHub_xxxx" wifi network that you need to join and configure the device from there. It wont work if you directly connect it to an ethernet cable first


Ahhh I missed that point in in your manual, sorry.
Thanks a lot for the fast help.


There is also a small bug: Sometimes when I change to fixed LAN IP the device get's lost in nirvana.


It is usefull. In company networks even internal WiFi is a VLAN that is isolated from LAN, and is protected with Firewall betwenn WiFi and LAN.
That would mean I need to ask our Sonicwall Firewall Administrator to open ports to some VirtualCloudHub Devices. But if they are DHCP they could change their IP during a reboot. I do not think that he will be happy with such solution...